Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hi there. My name is CJ of @cjhath on twitter. My bff and I, Wangero of @ashmann1, are on a journey to get as many celebrities to tweet us as possible.

This all started when Wangero innocently mentioned Ben Savage and he responded. She then became obsessed.

It was then my responsibility as her best friend to nurture her new found obsession.

We started off sloppy like. We have spent way too much time on @blakeshelton. Pictures, pleas, and jokes have all gone ignored. Due to that, we are putting him in the background as a constant project. He will tweet us.
Here are some of our attempts for him.

Wangero then switched her focus for a brief time to @matthewperry. Nothing worth mentioning happened here.

Then we were on to Derek something or another from MTV. I don't watch those reality shows but apparently he's a big deal. His handle is @derrickMTV. We got a reply quickly here...but it was our first real victory as a team. And by team I mean me doing all the work while she yells at me.

Then...in probably my proudest moment thus far, @daniellefishel hit us up! She even replied TWICE! We love you Danielle :)

Now this brings us current. Our latest is Rider Strong. We just were straight up with him...for now. We'll see what kind of hilariousness we have to throw out later.